YWCA Halifax - Nova Scotia Transition & Advocacy for Youth (NSTAY) Program
YWCA Halifax is a multi-service agency that builds economic security, promotes wellness and creates opportunities for women, girls and their families by providing a strong voice and integrated services.
WEBSITE: www.ywcahalifax.com FACEBOOK: @ywcahalifax
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides exploited/trafficked youth with wraparound support and connects them with the services they need. NSTAY has been developed with a trauma-informed lens and takes a harm-reduction approach. It is a non-judgemental program and incorporates promising practices from across Canada and is informed by those with experience of exploitation within the sex trade.
PROGRAM SUPPORTS: One-on-one Peer Support; Case management; Systems navigation; Financial/material support; Advocacy; Trauma counselling referrals; Court support; Meeting accompaniment; Employment support; Personalized peer outreach support within local partner agencies/organizations.
PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: All Gender Inclusive; Age 13-24+
REGION COVERED: Nova Scotia Wide
PHONE #: 782-414-7657
HOW TO ACCESS: Individuals can self-refer and community agencies can refer by filling out Referral Form (available online)
DIRECT REFERRAL: Temi - NSTAY@ywcahalifax.com
PROGRAM WEBSITE & REFERRAL FORM: www.ywcahalifax.com/programs/nstay
SEE ALSO: Housing; Youth Programs & Outreach; Education & Employment Services; Family & Parenting Services