Stepping Stone-
Tipping The Scales Program
Stepping Stone is a non-profit organization in the Maritimes that supports women, men and transgender persons currently and formerly involved in the sex trade, including those who identify as being trafficked, by contributing to their health, safety and well-being.
FACEBOOK: @steppingstonehfx
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Tipping the Scales Program assists former and current sex workers currently involved in the Criminal Justice System. Our court support and corrections worker meets with program users at the Correctional Center, attends court, probation meetings, and more. The worker acts as an advocate for program users throughout their navigation of the Justice System.
PROGRAM SUPPORTS: Housing support; One-on-one court support & advocacy; Information regarding charges, rights, options and requirements in the Justice System; Court accompaniment; Prison outreach (Mondays 1:30pm-5:00pm at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility); Referrals to services and/or agencies to develop a release plan and reintegration strategy for those exiting the correctional facility.
PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: All Gender Inclusive; 16+
REGION COVERED: Halifax Regional Municipality
LOCATION: 9 Ferguson Road, Dartmouth, NS
PHONE #: 902-420-0103
HOW TO ACCESS: Self-referrals; Referrals from community agencies; Call or email to inquire.
SEE ALSO: Specialized CSEC Programs & Services; Education & Employment Services