Legal Advice for Sexual Assault Survivors

Independent Legal Advice Program To give adult survivors of sexual assault better support, the province of Nova Scotia created the Legal Advice for Sexual Assault Survivors Program. The program respects survivor’s privacy and their rights to make their own decisions.


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Independent Legal Advice Program offers free two (2) hour legal advice for sexual assault survivors. Once individuals are registered for service, they are sent a package with a certificate number to access the legal advice. The package will also have a list of participating lawyers; the individual will be able to choose any lawyer on the list and contact them with the certificate number. Nova Scotia lawyers can only give advice on laws, programs, and services that exist in Nova Scotia and may not be able to advise regarding other provinces. All lawyers have been screened by the program, have received training, and have agreed to follow the program’s terms. If more time is needed, individuals can call 211 again and request another certificate number.

PROGRAM SUPPORTS: 2-hour free legal advice from pre-approved lawyers; Free translation services; Confidentiality (any limitations will be explained upfront).

PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: All Gender Inclusive; 16+; Sexual assault took place in Nova Scotia

REGION COVERED: Nova Scotia wide

LOCATION: Location varies; Lawyers may be able to meet in person, by telephone, or through videoconferencing (eg. Skype)

PHONE #: 211

HOW TO ACCESS: Call 211 to register; Intakes completed Monday to Friday 8:00am-8:00pm; Details about what happened are not necessary during the intake process: Individuals only need to say that they have been sexually assaulted in Nova Scotia, and that they would like to speak with a lawyer.