Family Service Association of Western
Nova Scotia – Family & Parent Services
The Family Service Association of Western Nova Scotia (FSAWNS) works with our most under served youth & families to provide support, services, and advocacy for real change at individual, community & system levels . We are here for you.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: An outreach service to young people and/or their families who might not otherwise have access to services. Services are geared to youth who are at high risk of or have a breakdown in the youth/family relationship.
PROGRAM SUPPORTS: Mobile support & services; Individualized assessment & case management; Advocacy; Care coordination; Youth-led goal planning; Group-based programs & workshops; Reunification support; Emergency basic needs support & services; Youth-family relationship and/or conflict resolution support; Community collaboration & connection.
PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: All Gender Inclusive; 12 - 24
REGION COVERED: Lunenburg & Queens Counties
LOCATION: 48 Empire Street, Bridgewater, NS
PHONE #: 902-398-1055
HOW TO ACCESS: Drop-In Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm; Call, email, or drop-in.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Supports men who live rurally and have had, or are at risk of having, breakdowns in their relationships and who may not otherwise have access to services. Service may be linked with mandated community interventions (e.g., Child Welfare, Correctional Services) or is intended to mitigate the need for these interventions. Programming is inclusive of cis and trans men who are working together with Child Protection, are fathers of children in care, are ordered to attend Domestic Violence intervention services, live rurally and experiencing multiple barriers. Services are also inclusive of individuals who are Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal and living off-reserve, African Nova Scotian and/or Newcomers.
PROGRAM SUPPORTS: Outreach; Case Coordination; Groups linking men with individual, peer, co-parenting and social supports; Drop-in access; Basic needs (housing, safety, food security, cellphones, shower access, laundry, education & employment supports, access to healthcare); Fathers groups and workshops; Men-family relationship and/or conflict resolution support.
PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: Trans and cis men; 19+
REGION COVERED: Lunenburg & Queens Counties; Individual and group outreach supports provided in the Tri-County & Valley area
LOCATION: 629 King Street, Bridgewater, NS
PHONE #: 902-543-7444
HOW TO ACCESS: Drop-In Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm; Call, email, or drop-in.
SEE ALSO: Housing; Youth Programs & Outreach; Sexual Health Services