Coverdale Courtwork Society - Caitlan’s Place
Coverdale Courtwork Society is a non profit charitable organization based in the Halifax region that supports women and gender diverse persons navigating the criminal justice system. We work in the criminal and family courts, provincial jail and prison, as well as in the community to provide court support, bail support, programming and advocacy for criminalized and marginalized folks. These combined services support individuals to cope with mental illness, trauma and addiction and rebuild community connections while striving for healing, change and growth. Coverdale also operates Caitlan's Place.
FACEBOOK: @CoverdaleCourtwork
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Caitlan’s place is a 6 bed transitional and restorative home for women, trans, non-binary and Two Spirit individuals exiting jail. It is supportive housing that serves to prevent individuals from being remanded into custody or from being released from incarceration into homelessness. Home is staffed 24/7 with each resident having access to a suite of gender transformative and trauma informed services that are responsive to individual needs and address the various pathways to criminalization. Residents can reside at Caitlan’s Place for up to one year.
PROGRAM SUPPORTS: Court support; Legal network navigation; Cultural programming; Housing support; Evidence based personal development programs.
PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: Women, girls, trans and non-binary people; All ages; Engaged with Criminal Justice System
REGION COVERED: Halifax Regional Municipality
PHONE #: Ashley (she/her) 902-809-5718
HOW TO ACCESS: Self-referrals and referrals from community agencies; Call, text, or email to inquire.
DIRECT REFERRAL: Ashley (she/her) -
SEE ALSO: Legal Services