Chebucto Connections

Chebucto Connections works within the Spryfield/Sambro Loop community, with partners and people, to create inclusive spaces and personalized programs to help people access what they need to move forward. We see the potential within each person we work with, and we draw on the power of the community to help make lasting change.  We provide programs and services to help address our community’s most urgent social needs including food insecurity, poverty, education and social isolation.



SERVICES OFFERED: Pathways to Education: A program designed to help students reach high school graduation and ensure they are equipped to pursue meaningful post-secondary opportunities; Community Support & Outreach: Diagnosing Poverty Prescribing Possibilities: Working with community partners, medical clinics and pharmacies the program helps those struggling with poverty to access the supports and services that will help improve their quality of life; Community Food Market: Provides fresh produce, eggs, and bread to community members every two weeks to help address food insecurity; Library Club: Mailing age-appropriate books to children 0-5 years old each month free of charge; Other services: Advocacy; Referrals; Form filling clinics; Tax Filing; Community events/ resources; Volunteer opportunities.

PARTICIPANT INCLUSION: All Gender Inclusive; All ages; Specific programs serve certain age ranges and geographic zones

REGION COVERED: Eastern Chebucto Peninsula (Pathways serves a smaller geographic zone)

LOCATION: Herring Cove Road, Halifax, NS

PHONE #: 902-477-0964

HOW TO ACCESS: Call for intake and registration information.